Berri Regional Secondary College
Information for staff and students
The Berri Regional Secondary College (BRSC)ย in partnership with the Berri Barmera Council provides a library service at the Berri Library and Information Centre. Berri Regional Secondary College 11 and 12 students studying for the SACE have access to qualified and experienced staff who are familiar with the subjects offered and can assist with locating resources in the library or from the statewide public library network. They can also provide guidance using Internet searching tools, online databases, ebooks, access to the school Moodle as well as helping with general queries.
Online Resources
A BRSC Senior Student Online Resources Guide is available to students at the front desk providing access details to the school Moodle as well as a range of e-resources. It includes information about the library web catalogue, an online encyclopaedia, online newspaper and magazine articles, online referencing generator, help with computer applications plus other useful research information especially helpful for the Research Project.
Berri Library and Informationย Centre Catalogue
Our library catalogue is part of the new South Australian statewide Public Library Network which we joined in October 2013.ย You are able to search, place a hold and extend the loan of items from any location across South Australia 24/7 via the Internet or in the library. Students should present their library card, school ID card or diary for borrowing resources from the library at all times.
Computer Access
A number of school laptops are provided for students to borrow during lessons and flexible learning times.
Class Texts
Class text books are available for loan to students for the duration of each subject. On completion of each subject, students are required to return class texts for the next group of students to use.