Just to let all our customers know that our libraries are still open for borrowing and returning books and other resources, as well as photocopying/scanning and computer access. We would like staff and customers to take the “Simple steps to help stop the spread” and employ the social distancing recommendations of 1.5m.
We are temporarily suspending all public events, programs and activities within our library service from Monday 23rd March. This includes Baby rhyme time, Children’s story time and craft activities, Tech Savvy Seniors, Walk-in Tech Help and any planned library visits by external groups. Our Tech Savvy Seniors session planned for Berri and our Walk-in Tech Help session organised for Barmera on Friday 20th March are also suspended.
More information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found here:-
- Australian Government Department of Health – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health Alert and Resources
www.health.gov.au/health-topics/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov - Government of South Australia SA Health – Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and Resources
www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/COVID2019 - Australian Library & Information Association – How libraries are responding to COVID-19
Electronic Resources like eBooks and the latest magazines available for FREE!
We would like to remind our customers that they can still access our electronic resources without coming into the library. The Libby app for Android and iOS has a fantastic collection of eBooks and digital audiobooks you can loan, download and read on your mobile device. The new PressReader app for Android and iOS is also great for reading digital magazines and newspapers! Access to both Libby and PressReader are FREE for SA Public Library members but you will need your borrower number and PIN to use (contact us at Berri Library on 8595-2666 or Barmera Library on 8588-2872 if you would like your PIN reset). Find out more about these from our library catalog here.
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